February 12, 2014

what are really ghosts?\ ceea ce sunt de fapt fantomele?\ каковы действительно призраки?

what are really ghosts? part 3
what are really ghosts? part 3

There another school of thought that says there is no such thing

as ghosts. This is comforting news, until you hear the second part of the theory. Ghosts are actually demons or angels manifesting in a manner understandable to humans.

That's right, that ghost of Grandpa beside your bed at night might actually be a guardian angel looking down on you, making sure you are safe. Or, those ghosts you see wandering around your house, Grandpa included, may be demons masquerading as human spirits in order to gain your confidence. Yow! That is not a happy thought! Demons are supposedly particularly fond of portraying little children in order to befriend human children. Hey, if they were nice they wouldn’t be demons
Some people believe there are no ghosts, but only demons that come to Earth to torment people.

An offshoot of this idea says that demonic spirits are able to control human apparitions and make them do all kinds of horrific deeds. For example, a demon may hold human spirits in this world, gain power form them, and prevent them from passing to the next realm--whatever that is.

Of the 5 theories in this article, I think it’s safe to say that number four here is the least desirable for any homeowner.
Ghost are the Subconscious Mind at Work

It's all in your head, man! The simplest explanation for ghosts is that they are purely imagined. It’s nice to wrap the whole phenomenon up in a neat little package like this, and some people just prefer to dismiss the idea altogether. Less comforting is the realization that, maybe the ghosts you are seeing aren’t real, but perhaps you have greater psychological issues at hand which are causing you to hallucinate.

But ghosts can be in your head without your being ill, and without a runaway imagination. Perhaps ghosts and ghostly activities are extensions of the subconscious, either yours or someone else’s. Or, maybe, even of a collective consciousness shared by the entire human race. Science has yet to fully understand the powers of the human mind. Who knows what kinds of crazy things we all might be projecting into the world?

But does this make things any better? Are you more or less comforted to know that the apparition you've been seeing wandering about your home is a projection of a family member's subconsciousness rather than a real ghost? Thank about that one for a few minutes.

  5 Paranormal Theories about ghosts

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