January 07, 2014

Demon's eyes..Глаза Демона \ Ochii lui Demon\Augen Dämonen

A lot of people thinks that Demon's eyes are red or black or without eyes , so if it isn't red or black, what it Is look like?
Demon's eyes
         Demon's eyes

Wrong thoughts \ Неправильные мысли \ gânduri greșite \ Falsche Gedanken

in this story you will hear wrong thoughts ,like seeing angels or dead people, or knowing the future.
Wrong thoughts
                         Wrong thoughts

Abilities of demons \ Способности демонов \ Abilități de demoni \ Fähigkeiten der Dämonen

At first we must know that demons have an important ability which is they are invisible, so they can see us , But

how many people suffering from demons?\ сколько людей, страдающих от демонов?\ cât de mulți oameni care suferă de demoni?

How many people have them?

Western beliefs in angels \ West Glauben an Engel \ Creidimh an Iarthair i aingeal\ Croyances occidentales en anges

there  is many beliefs theory in angel exist ,so that we are here to discover some of these beliefs ,there is eastern beliefs and western beliefs let us

magic of Madness \ la magie de la folie \Magie des Wahnsinns\draíocht Madness\Магия безумия

How it happens?

what are fairies really ?\что феи на самом деле?\was sind Feen wirklich?\cad iad sióga i ndáiríre?

Fairies is a female of demons(ghosts,jinn,Satan) , which mean that it is a kind of ghosts or you can say demons,

What she look like?