January 08, 2014

Demons types..типы Демоны,,,tipuri de demoni....Demons Typen

There is almost three or four types of demons (jinn), these types consider a types of live.
What is this mean?

It means that these types look like any nation like birds,fishes , worms Some of these Creatures lives in the sea , and the others lives in underground .

So that demons or ghosts or Satan  whatever names have types which is:

1- The first type live  on the sky so they have wings and they called the flaying demon.

2- The second type live under water so they called The diver demon.
Demons types
              Demons types
3- The third type live under ground so they called the under world Demons ,they considered the most dangerous and evils.

4- The fourth type live on the ground , it means with us,you can feel of them in the bathroom,or in forests, and the desert places  

Demons types

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