January 02, 2014

What are Ghosts Really? part 2

What are Ghosts Really? part 2
What are Ghosts Really? part
Ghost are the Spirits of Dead People

This is probably the most common belief. We all like to think we have a spirit that lives on after we pass away, and maybe sticks around to bug the people that annoyed us back when we were alive. It’s a comforting idea, and the theory of the human spirit is backed up by many religions. Ideally we’re going to move on to somewhere better when we pass on, but what happens if we don’t? What if we end up stuck in this world, wandering forever, either because we’re afraid to move on, or because something is preventing us? Worse still, what if there is no “better place” and every one of us is destined to become a ghost? You may want to start making a list of people you intend to haunt just in case that proves true.
Apparitions are Interdenominational Beings

Maybe ghosts aren’t the spirits of dead people at all, but instead they are inter-dimensional projections of people who are very much alive in another time and place. Many physicists theorize that the universe is made of many dimensions besides our own, as well as many different timelines. Of course it’s only a theory, but what happens if those timelines or dimensions get crossed up and we catch a glimpse of the other side?

So this begs the question: If other beings are accidentally crossing into our dimension, do we ever cross into theirs? Maybe. There's certain enough paranormal phenomenon to go around, and perhaps things like astral projection and lucid dreaming could be attributed to short jaunts in a separate but similar dimension.
Is there really such a thing as a haunted house, or does the past somehow get recorded into the environment?
Is there really such a thing as a haunted house, or does the past somehow get recorded into the environment?

Ghost Sightings are Only Recordings of the Past

Some people say the sightings of apparitions can be explained by events of the past somehow recording themselves in the natural environment and playing back. For paranormal investigators, this is what they would call a residual haunting. Some investigators speculate that certain kinds of rocks and minerals within the earth, or even large bodies of water above or below ground, are conducive to storing images in the atmosphere. This theory is supported by cases where apparitions appear to walk through walls in places where old doorways used to be. Sometimes, such as on the battlefields of Gettysburg, ghosts are said to be going about their business just as though the war was still on.

It’s an interesting idea, and maybe helps people in ghost-infested homes to sleep a little better at night, but this theory goes out the window when spirits start talking to people and interacting with the living.

What are Ghosts Really? - part 2

What are Ghosts Really? - part 1

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