January 06, 2014

How the magician bring a ghost?\Comment le magicien apporter un fantôme?\Как маг принести привидение?

always there is a deal between  the magician and the demon(ghost) .
which is the magician must do and say some bad things like saying (there is no god , demon is my god)some things like that.,,,,
also doing bad things like Adultery ,Fornication, Sodomy,washing with milk, Slaughter some animals or birds.
How the magician bring a ghost?
How the magician bring a ghost?

often this deal be between the magician and a Leader of demons (ghosts) .
this leader  Order a Ribald  of his people to obey and serve this magician,then the magician start to do evil things in people.

If the demon disobey the magician ,the magician make an oblation to the leader , then the leader will punish this ghost (demon), and order him to obey the magician.

How the magician bring a ghost?

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