January 06, 2014

Magic of love \ Draíocht an ghrá \ Магия любви \ Magie de l'amour

Magic of love
Magic of love

it is kind of magic. it happened when a woman loves someone, but
she can not have him, so she goes to a magician and ask him to make this kind of bad magic.

How it happens?
it happens when a woman take any thing belong this man Provided that the thing have a smell of that man.

Then she gives this thing to the magician,then he asks the demon (ghost) to go to this man.

How the ghost (demon)do it?
The demon go to this man and waiting for appropriate time to get in this man.
what is the appropriate time?
there are four times the demon can get in this man.
the first time when this man be very happy.
the second time when this man be very sad.
the third time when this man be very angry .
the fourth time when this man be Drunken.

to be continue ........ 

Magic of love ,,

Magie de l'amour

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