January 05, 2014

What are Ghosts According to Skeptics?\ Какви са Ghosts Според скептиците?\ ਮਚਾ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਭੂਤ ਕੀ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ?

The problem with proving ghosts exist is that skeptics suggest human perception is faulty, that only scientific means will ever authenticate the existence of ghosts. Many ghostly phenomena can
be explained, they say, such as noises, mists, orbs, changes in air pressure, the effects of infrasonic frequencies, suggestion, etc. Have those of us who believe in ghosts been fooled by our five senses? In some cases, it would seem that is a distinct possibility when considering ghosts and the lack of hard evidence.

What are Ghosts According to Skeptics?
What are Ghosts According to Skeptics?

Still, should we throw the baby out with the bath water when considering the idea that perhaps our spirit lives on? In other words, should we be closed-minded? One should think not; for to decide something doesn't exist, based upon a lack of scientific proof, is not any better than believing something does exist based upon little evidence. For each person the paranormal, in this case ghosts, must be answered on the individual level. The idea of ghosts, therefore, is a personal journey. That means you may need to immerse yourself into the paranormal to have some experiences.

What are Ghosts According to Skeptics?

Quais são Ghosts Segundo céticos?

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