A lot of people ask this question and they haven't the right
answer, because
Real fairies,mermaids,pixie hollow, jinn,witches,magic,magician,spirits,fairies,tooth,ghosts,demons,Satan,devil, fairy,pixie,fairy wings,pictures of angels,graphics fairy,fairy ,fairy lights,fairy ,fairy odd parents,fairy tails,fairy princess
January 14, 2014
January 13, 2014
stories of demonic possession.....Истории демонической одержимости
I am adel , it is my story about demonic possession, this story happen about 15 years ago, when i was
Signs of Demonic Possession........Semne de posedare demonică
I had said that possession can happen in a little depends like:
January 09, 2014
Magic of Laziness....Магия Лень...Magie de Lenea...Magie der Faulheit
what it is?
it is a kind of bad magic make the human in love with loneliness and Permanent Silence and
ARE demons eating people?..Демоны едят людей?.SUNT demoni mănâncă oameni?.Dämonen sind die Menschen essen?
Most people think that demons doesn't eat, and other people think that they are eat our food,
January 08, 2014
Demons types..типы Демоны,,,tipuri de demoni....Demons Typen
There is almost three or four types of demons (jinn), these types consider a types of live.
What is this mean?
How to throw out a ghost (demon) from your house ?...Wie man aus dem Haus werfen, einen Geist (Dämon)?..Как выкинуть призрака (демон) от вашего дома?..Cum de a arunca o fantomă (demon) de la casa ta?
there is a lot of people have ghosts in their houses , and they are suffering from it, so we advise them to do these steps to throw out this ghost.
Religion of ghosts \ Религия призраков...Religie de fantome..Religion der Geister
Some people think that the ghost haven't a religion , but the truth is they have one.
Are the demons sleep?..Ли спать демоны?..Sunt dormi demonii?..Sind die Dämonen schlafen?
A lot of people ask this question , some people think that the demons sleep, some other think they are not , So what the real fact?
January 07, 2014
Abilities of demons \ Способности демонов \ Abilități de demoni \ Fähigkeiten der Dämonen
At first we must know that demons have an important ability which is they are invisible, so they can see us , But
Western beliefs in angels \ West Glauben an Engel \ Creidimh an Iarthair i aingeal\ Croyances occidentales en anges
there is many beliefs theory in angel exist ,so that we are here to discover some of these beliefs ,there is eastern beliefs and western beliefs let us
what are fairies really ?\что феи на самом деле?\was sind Feen wirklich?\cad iad sióga i ndáiríre?
Fairies is a female of demons(ghosts,jinn,Satan) , which mean that it is a kind of ghosts or you can say demons,
What she look like?
January 06, 2014
magic of separation \ la magie de la séparation\
this kind of magic depend on hating , which mean that there is some one hate you or your wive, so he want
How the magician bring a ghost?\Comment le magicien apporter un fantôme?\Как маг принести привидение?
always there is a deal between the magician and the demon(ghost) .
which is the magician must do and say some bad things like saying (there is no god , demon is my god)some things like that.,,,,
East magic types \Types de magie de l'Est \ Восток волшебные виды \ Cineálacha draíochta Thoir
the first type called magic of separation:
it means make a magical incantation to separate between wife and husband,
Angel Sighting Story \ Ange observation Histoire \ Angel Hamharc Scéal \ Ангел Прицельная история
from Leslie
I was walking down the street when all of a sudden
I was walking down the street when all of a sudden
My grandmother started buying items of witchcraft and meditation. I always thought of meditation as something positive, but
EVIL CREEPS IN \ EVIL schleicht sich \ CREEPS rău în \ EVIL Creeps W
A grandmother's bizarre turn to the occult leads to paranormal activity and a terrifying discovery
Do you believe in witchcraft and
Do you believe in witchcraft and
January 05, 2014
what are witches?\ ce sunt vrăjitoare?\ что ведьмы?\ Was sind Hexen?
Have you been asking yourself the question exactly
what are witches?
Marley's Ghost \ Le fantôme de Marley \ Призрак Марли \ Fantoma lui Marley \ Ghost של מארלי
Marley's Ghost
Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it: and Scrooge's name was good upon 'Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail.
Mind! I don't mean to say
Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it: and Scrooge's name was good upon 'Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail.
Mind! I don't mean to say
a Ghost Attack \ un atac de Duhul \ Атака Призрак \ une attaque de fantôme
It (the ghost attack) began when we moved into our home six years ago. The lid of our daughter’s bottle steriliser would flip off whenever we left the kitchen. Then,
real ghosts photos \ véritables fantômes des photos \ реальные призраки фото \ fotografii fantome reale
In this post i show some of
real demons photos which taken from
fairies real or fake \ zane real sau fals \ älvor verkliga eller falska \ álfar raunverulegur eða falsa
"Are Fairies Real?", of course. The Fairies of today are believed to be small, delicate and very feminine. While most people can't see them, some do, especially children. Some people see actual fairies, and some see a white misty shape, other people see colored lights and some sense their presence. They like to live near meadows or gardens or in a fairyland. They do interact with humans sometimes,but
Strong Evidence about ghosts exist \ Hayaletler konusunda güçlü kanıtlar var \ Dovezi puternice despre fantome exista
There is Strong Evidence to Consider.
The evidence for ghosts is indeed overwhelming. When one takes a step back and decides to look throughout history for accounts of ghosts, it is easy to see
The Premature Burial \ Înmormântare prematură \ Erken Defin \ The Преждевременно погребение
There are certain themes of which the interest is all-absorbing, but which are
too entirely horrible for the purposes of legitimate fiction. These the mere
romanticist must eschew, if he do not wish to offend or to disgust. They are
with propriety handled only when
The Black Cat \ Черный кот \ החתול השחור
For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief.
Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad
am I not --and very surely do I not dream. But
Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad
am I not --and very surely do I not dream. But
What are Spirits?\ สิ่งที่วิญญาณคืออะไร \ Co jsou to duchové?\ რა არის Spirits?\ Čo sú to duchovia?
At this point, while reading this article, one might be wondering what the difference is between ghosts and spirits? Simply stated, we believe that a ghost
What are Ghosts According to Skeptics?\ Какви са Ghosts Според скептиците?\ ਮਚਾ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਭੂਤ ਕੀ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ?
The problem with proving ghosts exist is that skeptics suggest human perception is faulty, that only scientific means will ever authenticate the existence of ghosts. Many ghostly phenomena can
What are Ghosts?\ Apa Hantu?\ Ինչ են Տեսիլքներ.\ Wat is spoke?\ Zer dira mamuak?\ O que são fantasmas?
We Look at the Age-Old Question, "What is a Ghost?"
What are ghosts? Of course, it is well known that many believe ghosts to be the
What are ghosts? Of course, it is well known that many believe ghosts to be the
January 04, 2014
Black Magic and White Magic\ Чорна магія і біла магія \ Negro Magia y la Magia Blanca
Magic (Sihr in Arabic), no matter Black or White, mean: An agreement set up between a Witch (Sahir in Arabic) and a Demon (jinn), which stipulates that the Witch commit certain illegal or polytheistic acts, in return for the Demon (jinn)’s assistance and obedience in fulfilling the Witch’s request.
Many people believe that White Magic is permissible in Islam when it is Not. Ruqya (words of seeking refuge in Allah from evil) was first allowed in Islam on the condition that there be no polytheism involved whatsoever. Where, Magic involves praising the Demon Chiefs (Chief of a tribe of Jinn) in return for the chief’s servant-jinn. White magic works likewise Black magic. It is nothing more than sending a devil to scare away another devil. In fact, most of the times the devils negotiate and agree on leaving the victim alone for some time, temporarily. But afterwards, the symptoms re-appear and the counter-magician asks for more money. Why would a devil fight another devil when they both share the same cause?
It is hard to find someone who has jinn working for him for the sake of Allah and for the sake of helping His people for free. Therefore, counter-magic itself involves polytheism. If one chooses counter-magic to cure magic, the risks are many. Most of these so-called healers bankrupt their clients with the above scenario.
Ibn Qudama stated: “If sihr is treated with the recitation of some of verses of the Quran or some invocations, then there is nothing wrong with it As for the treatment of sihr with sihr, Imam Ahmad never went beyond this issue.”
Refer: Al-Mughnee 10/114
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar reported: “According to the Prophet’s (pbuh) hadith, ‘An-nushra (Rituals) is a work of Satan,”
Refer: Imam Ahmad
An-nushra is a reference to the purpose for which it is sought For instance, if it is intended for something good, then it is good, but if it is intended for something bad, then it is bad. However, an-nushra may be two types, and this is, according to Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, is the correct view:
Lawful Nushra. Treating sihr (magic) with the Quran or permissible invocations,
Unlawful Nushra. Treating sihr (magic) with sihr (magic), which entails seeking the assistance of demons, befriending, or seeking refuge in them or pleasing them, Perhaps this is the type intended in the hadith, ‘An-nushra is a work of Satan (evil-jinn)‘ More to the point, how can this type of nushra be lawful, while the Prophet & warned in more than one hadith that going to the sahara (witches) and soothsayers and believing in what they say is disbelieving in what has been sent to Muhammad (pbuh).
Refer: Fath Al-baari 10/233
According to Ibn Al-Qayyim: “An-nushra is curing a person of sihr, and it is Two types:
Treating sihr with sihr, which is a work of Satan This is supported by Al-hasan AI-BasrTs view; that through it, both an-naashir (the one who uses nushra) and ai-muntashir (the one who has it done for him) befriend the demon by answering to his needs,, In return, the demon invalidates the sihr.
Treating sihr with Ruqya (words of seeking refuge in Allah from evil) and invocations is permitted.”
Black Magic and White Magic |
It is hard to find someone who has jinn working for him for the sake of Allah and for the sake of helping His people for free. Therefore, counter-magic itself involves polytheism. If one chooses counter-magic to cure magic, the risks are many. Most of these so-called healers bankrupt their clients with the above scenario.
Ibn Qudama stated: “If sihr is treated with the recitation of some of verses of the Quran or some invocations, then there is nothing wrong with it As for the treatment of sihr with sihr, Imam Ahmad never went beyond this issue.”
Refer: Al-Mughnee 10/114
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar reported: “According to the Prophet’s (pbuh) hadith, ‘An-nushra (Rituals) is a work of Satan,”
Refer: Imam Ahmad
An-nushra is a reference to the purpose for which it is sought For instance, if it is intended for something good, then it is good, but if it is intended for something bad, then it is bad. However, an-nushra may be two types, and this is, according to Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, is the correct view:
Lawful Nushra. Treating sihr (magic) with the Quran or permissible invocations,
Unlawful Nushra. Treating sihr (magic) with sihr (magic), which entails seeking the assistance of demons, befriending, or seeking refuge in them or pleasing them, Perhaps this is the type intended in the hadith, ‘An-nushra is a work of Satan (evil-jinn)‘ More to the point, how can this type of nushra be lawful, while the Prophet & warned in more than one hadith that going to the sahara (witches) and soothsayers and believing in what they say is disbelieving in what has been sent to Muhammad (pbuh).
Refer: Fath Al-baari 10/233
According to Ibn Al-Qayyim: “An-nushra is curing a person of sihr, and it is Two types:
Treating sihr with sihr, which is a work of Satan This is supported by Al-hasan AI-BasrTs view; that through it, both an-naashir (the one who uses nushra) and ai-muntashir (the one who has it done for him) befriend the demon by answering to his needs,, In return, the demon invalidates the sihr.
Treating sihr with Ruqya (words of seeking refuge in Allah from evil) and invocations is permitted.”
Black Magic and White Magic
Negro Magia y la Magia Blanca
Babylonian magic
I have been receiving e-mails where people ask the question on ‘why Magic is forbidden? – What is so polytheistic about Magic?’
Well, as we discussed before, in the article – Black Magic & Witchcraft.
“And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah. And the people learnt what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.” (al-baqara: 102)
For the knowledge of how Magic was practiced in Babylon, we need to go back in history, as far as we can, and see for what magic comprised of when it first came.
Fortunately, the British Museum holds clay tablets of Magic that seem to belong to the 600 BC of Assyria. For those of you who do not know Assyria – It was after the fall of the Akkadian Empire – 2080 BC, when it split into two separate nations; Assyria in the north, and Babylonia in the south. The clay tablets are inscribed in the Assyrian characters and it seems to have been copied from Babylonia for Ashurbanipal, the king of Assyria in the years 669 – 625 BC. It was excavated from the Royal library. Most of the tablets are found in pieces since we know that the Assyrian Royal Library was destroyed. However, the main content of these tablets remain clear to us. The carvings on these tablets are basically prayers and incantations to various deities.
The main title for these tablets is something that translates – “Prayers of the Lifting of the Hand”. Since these tablets are from the 600BC, we can imply that this truly is the Magic that was first practiced in Babylon. I wish to share some of the scans of those tablets but I do not wish to promote Sorcery here, So I would only put one scan out of them, just for the sake public presentation.
Well, as we discussed before, in the article – Black Magic & Witchcraft.
“And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah. And the people learnt what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.” (al-baqara: 102)
Babylonian magic
For the knowledge of how Magic was practiced in Babylon, we need to go back in history, as far as we can, and see for what magic comprised of when it first came.
Fortunately, the British Museum holds clay tablets of Magic that seem to belong to the 600 BC of Assyria. For those of you who do not know Assyria – It was after the fall of the Akkadian Empire – 2080 BC, when it split into two separate nations; Assyria in the north, and Babylonia in the south. The clay tablets are inscribed in the Assyrian characters and it seems to have been copied from Babylonia for Ashurbanipal, the king of Assyria in the years 669 – 625 BC. It was excavated from the Royal library. Most of the tablets are found in pieces since we know that the Assyrian Royal Library was destroyed. However, the main content of these tablets remain clear to us. The carvings on these tablets are basically prayers and incantations to various deities.
The main title for these tablets is something that translates – “Prayers of the Lifting of the Hand”. Since these tablets are from the 600BC, we can imply that this truly is the Magic that was first practiced in Babylon. I wish to share some of the scans of those tablets but I do not wish to promote Sorcery here, So I would only put one scan out of them, just for the sake public presentation.
Babylonian magic
January 02, 2014
Characteristics of demons
Characteristics of demons |
Demons usually do not have bodies of their own, except in the case of Acheri demons, who can "manifest" as human children. Other demons appear as black smoke in their incorporeal form. Their presence may leave traces of sulfur. They manifest by possessing humans, alive or recently deceased, via demonic possession.
Exorcism will drive the demon from its human host and return it to Hell. A possessed human may incur physical damage while the demon is present, including fatal injuries, but will survive until they are dispossessed. A high volume of dispossessed individuals die; Dean commented that demons seem to enjoy wearing out their meatsuits. Humans possessed by demons exhibit black, red, yellow or white eyes depending on the demon involved.
Demons themselves, and people close to the Gates of Hell,[6] see the "real" decaying faces of demons, not just the body they use to walk the earth. It appears that angels can as well.[8]
Demons' abilities and weaknesses vary depending on the apparent rank of the demon. Demons share many strengths and weaknesses with ghosts.
Exorcism will drive the demon from its human host and return it to Hell. A possessed human may incur physical damage while the demon is present, including fatal injuries, but will survive until they are dispossessed. A high volume of dispossessed individuals die; Dean commented that demons seem to enjoy wearing out their meatsuits. Humans possessed by demons exhibit black, red, yellow or white eyes depending on the demon involved.
Demons themselves, and people close to the Gates of Hell,[6] see the "real" decaying faces of demons, not just the body they use to walk the earth. It appears that angels can as well.[8]
Demons' abilities and weaknesses vary depending on the apparent rank of the demon. Demons share many strengths and weaknesses with ghosts.
Characteristics of demons
What are Ghosts Really? part 2
What are Ghosts Really? part |
Ghost are the Spirits of Dead People
This is probably the most common belief. We all like to think we have a spirit that lives on after we pass away, and maybe sticks around to bug the people that annoyed us back when we were alive. It’s a comforting idea, and the theory of the human spirit is backed up by many religions. Ideally we’re going to move on to somewhere better when we pass on, but what happens if we don’t? What if we end up stuck in this world, wandering forever, either because we’re afraid to move on, or because something is preventing us? Worse still, what if there is no “better place” and every one of us is destined to become a ghost? You may want to start making a list of people you intend to haunt just in case that proves true.
Apparitions are Interdenominational Beings
Maybe ghosts aren’t the spirits of dead people at all, but instead they are inter-dimensional projections of people who are very much alive in another time and place. Many physicists theorize that the universe is made of many dimensions besides our own, as well as many different timelines. Of course it’s only a theory, but what happens if those timelines or dimensions get crossed up and we catch a glimpse of the other side?
So this begs the question: If other beings are accidentally crossing into our dimension, do we ever cross into theirs? Maybe. There's certain enough paranormal phenomenon to go around, and perhaps things like astral projection and lucid dreaming could be attributed to short jaunts in a separate but similar dimension.
Is there really such a thing as a haunted house, or does the past somehow get recorded into the environment?
Is there really such a thing as a haunted house, or does the past somehow get recorded into the environment?
Ghost Sightings are Only Recordings of the Past
Some people say the sightings of apparitions can be explained by events of the past somehow recording themselves in the natural environment and playing back. For paranormal investigators, this is what they would call a residual haunting. Some investigators speculate that certain kinds of rocks and minerals within the earth, or even large bodies of water above or below ground, are conducive to storing images in the atmosphere. This theory is supported by cases where apparitions appear to walk through walls in places where old doorways used to be. Sometimes, such as on the battlefields of Gettysburg, ghosts are said to be going about their business just as though the war was still on.
It’s an interesting idea, and maybe helps people in ghost-infested homes to sleep a little better at night, but this theory goes out the window when spirits start talking to people and interacting with the living.
This is probably the most common belief. We all like to think we have a spirit that lives on after we pass away, and maybe sticks around to bug the people that annoyed us back when we were alive. It’s a comforting idea, and the theory of the human spirit is backed up by many religions. Ideally we’re going to move on to somewhere better when we pass on, but what happens if we don’t? What if we end up stuck in this world, wandering forever, either because we’re afraid to move on, or because something is preventing us? Worse still, what if there is no “better place” and every one of us is destined to become a ghost? You may want to start making a list of people you intend to haunt just in case that proves true.
Apparitions are Interdenominational Beings
Maybe ghosts aren’t the spirits of dead people at all, but instead they are inter-dimensional projections of people who are very much alive in another time and place. Many physicists theorize that the universe is made of many dimensions besides our own, as well as many different timelines. Of course it’s only a theory, but what happens if those timelines or dimensions get crossed up and we catch a glimpse of the other side?
So this begs the question: If other beings are accidentally crossing into our dimension, do we ever cross into theirs? Maybe. There's certain enough paranormal phenomenon to go around, and perhaps things like astral projection and lucid dreaming could be attributed to short jaunts in a separate but similar dimension.
Is there really such a thing as a haunted house, or does the past somehow get recorded into the environment?
Is there really such a thing as a haunted house, or does the past somehow get recorded into the environment?
Ghost Sightings are Only Recordings of the Past
Some people say the sightings of apparitions can be explained by events of the past somehow recording themselves in the natural environment and playing back. For paranormal investigators, this is what they would call a residual haunting. Some investigators speculate that certain kinds of rocks and minerals within the earth, or even large bodies of water above or below ground, are conducive to storing images in the atmosphere. This theory is supported by cases where apparitions appear to walk through walls in places where old doorways used to be. Sometimes, such as on the battlefields of Gettysburg, ghosts are said to be going about their business just as though the war was still on.
It’s an interesting idea, and maybe helps people in ghost-infested homes to sleep a little better at night, but this theory goes out the window when spirits start talking to people and interacting with the living.
What are Ghosts Really? - part 2
What are Ghosts Really? - part 1
What are Ghosts Really? part 1
What are Ghosts Really? |
What are Ghosts?
People have seen ghosts for at least as long as human history has been recorded. Probably even before.
No doubt cavemen raced back to their clans claiming to have spotted the ghost of poor, dead Uncle Ugg skulking around the berry bushes.
If so many thousands (millions?) of people claim to have seen ghosts throughout the centuries, surely there has to be something to this phenomenon besides overactive imaginations and wishful thinking.
Could there be a scientific explanation? After all, many earthly occurrences once thought to be supernatural were later proven to be perfectly normal once our scientific understanding advanced.
Could there be a scientific explanation? After all, many earthly occurrences once thought to be supernatural were later proven to be perfectly normal once our scientific understanding advanced.
Or, are ghosts spiritual entities, governed not by science but by unquantifiable realities not of this world? Could the truth lie somewhere in between? Let’s take a look at five common explanations of ghostly apparitions and see from here.
What are Ghosts Really? - part 1
What are Ghosts Really? - part 2
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